Regie Ginanjar
Regie Ginanjar

Job Title / Jabatan : Regie Ginanjar (PT XL Axiata)

Biography / Riwayat Hidup : 
Regie has more than 20 years of experiences in telecommunication networks and services from various fields (operational, project, planning, sales, back office support) with full cycle background (Presales, sales, tenders, technology roadmap, budgeting, planning, design, rollout, and operation / optimization).

Presentation Title / Judul Presentasi :
Title: SRv6: Deployment & Usecases

Presentation Synopsis / Ringkasan Presentasi :
Title: SRv6: Deployment & Usecases
Synopsis: In the recent years there has been a lot of industry interest and hype around Segment Routing for IPv6 (SRv6). In this session, Aditya will discuss the latest developments in the industry and adoption of SRv6 Compression.
The session will cover the following topics:

  • SRv6: Industry outlook - Quick Update
  • SRv6: Deployment & Usecase
  • SRv6: XL Axiata Case Study