YJ Huang
YJ Huang

Job Title / Jabatan : System Engineering Director

Company / Institution : Arista Networks

Biography / Riwayat Hidup :
YJ Huang leads the Systems Engineering team for Arista in APAC, delivering AI and cloud data center networking solutions to customers. With more than 20 years of experience in the networking industry, YJ is based in Singapore and holds a Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore.

Presentation Title / Judul Presentasi /Talk Show:
AI Accelerator Cluster Networking: Overcoming Challenges and Designing Optimal Solutions

Presentation Synopsis / Ringkasan Presentasi/Talk Show :
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the demand for powerful and efficient AI clusters has never been greater. As AI models become increasingly complex and data-intensive, the networking infrastructure supporting these clusters faces significant challenges. This presentation will delve into the critical networking challenges encountered in AI cluster environments, outline the essential requirements for addressing these challenges, and propose cutting-edge solutions and design strategies.