Hendra Suryakusuma
Job Title / Jabatan : Chairman Asosiasi Penyelenggara Data Center Indonesia (IDPRO)
Company / Institution : PT. Inotech
Biography / Riwayat Hidup :
- Co founder of IDPRO (Indonesia Data Center Provider Organization), established in 2016 together with Pak Toto Sugiri, Prof Kalamullah Ramli, Pak Richard Kartawidjaja and Pak Teddy Sukardi. In 2019 appointed as chairman of Indonesia Data Centre Provider Organisation (IDPRO), members of IDPRO are leaders of the Data Centre industry in Indonesia. One of IDPRO’s objectives is to become a strategic partner for Indonesia’s government in enhancing the reliability of the Data Centre in Indonesia by having Indonesia’s Data Centre Standard.
- Country Director of Fasset Indonesia (PT Gerbang Aset Digital) a blockchain focused company. The company invited in B20 event in November 2022 as the only blockchain related company. In December 2021 appointed as Fasset Country leader and together with Professor Jaih Mubarak established Asosiasi Blockchain Syariah Indonesia (ABSI) in Q2 2022. ABSI’s role is to bridge Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Studies with stakeholders. The main agenda is a closed study and an open hearing with stakeholders to discuss blockchain and cryptocurrencies as well as sharia views. This includes education in the form of a social media presence.
- Co founder of Elitery (PT Data Sinergitama Jaya) one of the greatest achievements is becoming the first TIER III data center certified by Uptime Institute back in March 2012. Elitery becoming the market leader in the capital market sector in Indonesia by providing reliable IT infrastructure and managed services. Elitery now handles 142 enterprise customers, and 500 cloud resources and monitors 1200 sites network throughout Indonesia. Elitery went IPO on January 6 2023.
- In 2011 graduated from Founder Institute, the biggest incubation organization based in Silicon Valley, which contributed in expanding his knowledge in the global IT industry. In the same year, he founded Elitery (PT Data Sinergitama Jaya). Elitery became a partner with Amazon Web Service (Advance Partner), Google Cloud Platform (Premier Partner) and Fujitsu, providing world-class IT/cloud infrastructure to its clients.
Presentation Title / Judul Presentasi /Talk Show:
Digital Transformation trend and the impact of data center landscape in Indonesia
Presentation Synopsis / Ringkasan Presentasi/Talk Show :
Data center adalah tulang punggung dari ekosistem digital. Di Indonesia transformasi digital terjadi begitu pesatnya, dan sangat berdampak terhadap perkembangan industri data center.