Johannes Putra Abri Sipahutar
Johannes Putra Abri Sipahutar

Job Title / Jabatan : Data Communication Product Manager

Biography / Riwayat Hidup
Work Experiences : Johannes has experience more than 10 years in Networking Industry. Currently Johannes work in Huawei as Data communication product manager which are handle most of ISP in Indonesia.  During 10 years, Johannes help many of ISP company to  build and design large of network infrastructure.  
Presentation Title / Judul Presentasi : 
Next-Generation SP Unified Bearer Network

Presentation Synopsis / Ringkasan Presentasi :
In order to serve The higher bandwidth and differentiated private line quality required by enterprise, given cloud-based transformation, pose great challenges to the bearer networks of Service Providers. While small- and medium-sized enterprises need reliable Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to connect headquarters with branches, Over The Top (OTT) enterprises are calling for higher bandwidth and more agile deployment, to facilitate quick rollout of Internet services. Elsewhere, government and financial customers require secure and reliable private lines.
Huawei provides an industry-leading converged bearer network solution for SPs, which enables them to construct unified bearer networks — featuring low latency, high reliability, ultra-high bandwidth, strict hard-slicing based isolation, and intelligent Operations and Maintenance (O&M) — to support broadband services, enterprise private line services, and 5G mobile services.