Widodo Mardijono
Job Title / Jabatan : Independent Consultant
Biography / Riwayat Hidup :
Born, Purwokerto 1965
Work Experiences : Telkom, Satelindo, Indosat, Lecturer 6 years, Skynindo, BRI satellite project, Unisat, BAKTI.
Presentation Title / Judul Presentasi : Satellite Communication Services as Solution for rural and suburban areas in Indonesia
Presentation Synopsis / Ringkasan Presentasi :
With background as Indonesian archipelago, so many islands and very disperse area, with more than 17,000 islands and number of people living is not in balance number in between islands and mostly concentrated living in Java Island. This is too costly if the country such having Indonesia terrain build a fiber optic network for telecommunication services. This condition drive satellite communication services as became the solution for the communication not only for the complimentary but sometimes for the primary infrastructure.