Michael Takeuchi
Michael Takeuchi

Job Title / Jabatan : Chief Technology & Operating Officer (CTO)

Biography / Riwayat Hidup : Michael Takeuchi is a network engineer. He has worked with over 25+ Networks/Autonomous Systems (AS) in APAC, EMEA, and other regions as a consultant. He also started an ISP in Indonesia and served as the Chief Technology and Operating Officer (CTO) of Media Cepat Indonesia (RAPIDNET). In addition, he contributes to the Indonesia Internet eXchange (IIX) as a member of the Squad Team.

Presentation Title / Judul Presentasi : RFC2622, Routing Policy Specification Language & RPKI in Internet Exchange

Presentation Synopsis / Ringkasan Presentasi :
This presentation will discuss the use of RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) for Internet Exchange Points (IXP) and emphasize the importance of updating our route objects, as-sets, prefix information, and contact information to mitigate common routing issues on the Internet.