Evan Woon
Job Title / Jabatan :
Product & Business Development Manager , APAC
Ruijie Networks
Biography / Riwayat Hidup :
Graduated as B.S. (Bachelor of Science) in Computer Science Campbell University, USA
Over 10 years of experience in increasingly responsible positions as Regional Support Role in public listed companies, in Information Technology Industry. Gained experience in various vendor as product speaker & as Trainer in Ruijie Networks , achievement certification such as Ruijie RCNP, RSE, RCPS, RCE, CEH , CCNP, CCDP
Presentation Title / Judul Presentasi :
Light the future (E-lighten Optical Solution)
Ruijie Networks
Presentation Synopsis / Ringkasan Presentasi :
Reyee e-Lighten optical solution provides a more cost-effective and convenient way to use optical fiber in the SME market, including hotels, CCTV, etc. By adopting the architecture of PON while sticking to the Ethernet, the solution reduces overall cost greatly, compared with traditional Ethernet as well as GPON solution. Reyee's cloud management also simplifies operation and maintenance, making fiber more approachable in today's fiber-in copper-out transformation.